International Hospitality Management

4 Jahre
  • secondary school diploma
  • proficiency in English and one other language

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3400.00 € / Jahr

This programme can be started in February and also in September.

The tuition fees for non-EU students are 11200 €.

Worum geht's im Studium

Would you like to study hospitality management in an inspiring, international environment where innovation comes first? You can at Hotel Management School Maastricht. Here, you’ll learn from professionals, live on a student campus and hone your skills in a real hotel.

Varied modules

At Hotel Management School Maastricht, you’ll be trained to be a manager or entrepreneur in the hospitality industry. The four-year bachelor programme consists of varied theory and practical modules and two internships. Additionally, you will choose to enrol in two minors (either inside or outside the faculty), a pre-master or an international exchange programme.

Close to the profession

You will certainly not spend all your time attending lectures. Apart from lectures from teachers and experts in the field, you will also be attending skills training courses, workshops and taking part in excursions to see the industry in practice. Teamwork plays a major role. In the workshops, you’ll be working in a group of students on practical problems or projects. And what’s more, you’ll be exposed to the real-life environment of Teaching Hotel Château Bethlehem. This is a training environment unique in the Netherlands, including twenty-six guestrooms, a restaurant, a bar and various meeting rooms. The hotel has received a lot of attention in the international media, not least for its unconventional room designs by Dutch designers.

Operational and management internship

Internships are a major aspect of your training. You will have to complete two intensive internships of five months: an operational and a management traineeship. All operational traineeships will be spent abroad, from Europe to Asia or America. The operational traineeship gives you a good general picture of the hotel industry. In the management traineeship, you will specialize in that part of the industry that appeals to you, such as hotels, consultancies, conference and event organizations, general and technical management, tourism or cruises.


Career prospects

Eighty percent of our graduates get a job immediately upon earning their bachelor’s degree. Our degree means that you’re versatile. You can work all over the world in
management or consultancy; for example, in the international hotel industry, in hospitality and service organizations or in the conference and events industry. But also
in management or consultancy jobs for healthcare institutions or financial services. Banks and insurance companies are certainly very interested in our graduates, because they excel in interpersonal contact and business insight.

Further studies

If you would like to continue your studies, you can choose from three master’s degree programmes. We offer a oneyear programme in Innovative Hospitality Management in coopera¬tion with ESADE-Escuela Universitaria de Turismo St. Ignasi in Barcelona. You can also choose the European Master in Facility and Real Estate Management or you can study International Business at Maastricht University.

Kontakt & Informationen

Hotel Maastricht School
Bethlehemweg 2
6222 BM Maastricht
phone: 0031 43 352 8282
mobil: 0031 643 577 147
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